Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rain Day

Today when I woke up to the pouring rain and thunder, I decided to forget my alarm clock, roll back into bed, and make the day mine. Lately I've been feeling super overwhelmed. Probably in more doses than ever before. It's ironic, because my life is disturbingly simple right now. I have already detached myself from most of the components that would normally produce stress. I decided to take this day to do a little unwinding and reconnecting: spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.
I took a walk in the pouring rain while listening to Sia's song "Breathe Me." It proved to be just the fix I needed. It's the perfect rainy day song because it is so raw and packed with emotion. It made me feel validated in every way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I seriously forgot how much I love this song...and yes I've walked in the rain to this song also. Absolutely brilliant my dear!