Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Do blondes have more fun?

Today I'd like to pose a question... do blondes really have more fun? I recently discovered that fellow advertising guru Shirley Polykoff coined the phrase in the 1950s for a national Clairol advertising campaign. I was somewhat surprised to find that this revolutionary slogan was just a brilliant marketing scheme. I don't know what I really expected.. proof maybe? Scientific studies to show that women with blonde hair actually possess a higher quality of fun in their lives than all other women? Possibly.
Well if Shirley Polykoff can throw around expressions that change the course of history, than so can I. I've got one for you. Brunettes are more mysterious. I seriously believe this. Last week I traded in my platinum locks. I was tired of the maintanance that comes along with being blonde, and I was ready for a big change. And so I dyed my hair chocolate brown. Yes, you heard it, brown. I love it. I love being a brunette. Not only do people take me more seriously in the workplace, but there is also this aura of newfound mysteriousness about me. It's crazy. Another perk I've noticed is that nasty construction workers don't check me out as much anymore. If you blondes out there don't believe me, just make the change and you will know exactly what I mean.
Maybe blondes really do have more fun. Maybe. But as far as I can tell, all in all, being brunette isn't half bad.


Titensor Family said...

ahhh...i love it. put up pictures!!

Tiffany said...

yes, we need pictures! i am so proud of you! i always wanted to go brown but never had enough guts to go all of the way. and i hate myself for saying that but it is true. what a nerd.

jonny h said...

I've been brown quite a few times; I always love it at first, but after a few weeks find that I don't have nearly as much as when I was a blonde. Maybe it's because I'm a natural blonde, or because I enjoy having construction works leer at my goods, but either way I'm all for the blondes (though I'm sure you're a beautiful brunette ang, just had to sound off for the blondes).

Yancy said...

yes yes. pictures are in order my dear.

Tara said...

True story. First off I would like to say you look so sexy as a brunette. But I have to agree. When I changed from blonde to brunette lots of stuff changed. I agree with the construction workers. I also think girls like you better when you are a brunette. And mystery, I agree. You look so good!